Redhill, Surrey,
Redhill, Surrey
Avg response time: < 30 mins
Redhill -
9 min walk
1 day notice
About this location
A room in a Victorian home which is frequently used for music lessons and small group rehearsals. There is comfy seating and chairs can be provided for players.
The room is non-smoking.
Drinks can be provided and there are toilet facilities
Facilities & Amenities
More Info
This is one of three rooms is family home that are used for music lessons and small group rehearsals.
To-date this particular room has been used for teaching the flute and recorder and for flute duets, trios and quartets.
The host teaches flute and music theory and loves to connect with other creatives,
Key Features
The property is 12-15mins from Redhill Station, walking, or 5mins by car
Hi, I'm Catherine a flute, recorder and music teacher who works from home.
Rooms in my home are used for music lessons, music practise, duet and trio rehearsals, book clubs and writing groups.